freakin' the suburbs
How? By spending the day out on the town wearing this new bad boy: 
I donated $30 to Strike The Root during the holiday season and recieved that hip tee for doing so. It didn't elicit as many reactions as my shirt that says liberty in Arabic, but hey, I've only worn it once. For the record, I know better than to wear that Arabic liberty shirt to any of the local watering holes. The last thing I need is for a bunch of drunk "America - Fuck yeah!" types thinkin' that I'm some sort of jihadist or something.
Aside from wearing that shirt and reminding people to keep their hands and laws off other people, I also left behind a few of those MLL pamphlets released by Wally Conger everywhere I went. Unfortunately, too many of the slumbering suburban folk around here are completely blinded by their USSA flag decals and otherwise distracted by the current Stupor Bowl mania (the game is being held about 20 miles south of my current abode) to care about anything, like, serious or something.
If that shirt is not enough to freak you out, maybe the music I'll be blogging about tomorrow will. Some of my favorite freaky musicians from Japan will be the subject of a music post that'll appear here sometime tomorrow evening.

I donated $30 to Strike The Root during the holiday season and recieved that hip tee for doing so. It didn't elicit as many reactions as my shirt that says liberty in Arabic, but hey, I've only worn it once. For the record, I know better than to wear that Arabic liberty shirt to any of the local watering holes. The last thing I need is for a bunch of drunk "America - Fuck yeah!" types thinkin' that I'm some sort of jihadist or something.
Aside from wearing that shirt and reminding people to keep their hands and laws off other people, I also left behind a few of those MLL pamphlets released by Wally Conger everywhere I went. Unfortunately, too many of the slumbering suburban folk around here are completely blinded by their USSA flag decals and otherwise distracted by the current Stupor Bowl mania (the game is being held about 20 miles south of my current abode) to care about anything, like, serious or something.
If that shirt is not enough to freak you out, maybe the music I'll be blogging about tomorrow will. Some of my favorite freaky musicians from Japan will be the subject of a music post that'll appear here sometime tomorrow evening.