Wednesday, March 29, 2006


In the spirit of Thomas Knapp's occasional posts designed to point out cool happenings on other blogs, I'd like to acknowledge a couple of relatively new blogs that may not have recieved much attention yet.

I mentioned Lady Aster Francesca in my last post, and I encourage y'all to check out her blog. She has written a number of stimulating posts regarding libertarianism in an attempt to plead for a more socially-conscious current within the movement. Some of her posts have taken people such as Hans-Hermann Hoppe to task for holding some rather unenlightened social conservative views, while others have made the point that racism, for example, is something that libertarians should spend more time openly rejecting since the State is not the sole monopoly holder on oppression. Other posts shed light on issues such as pornography and sex work, an occupation that is subject to much demonization by social conservatives and should be entirely legalized.

Next up is David Reynolds's blog titled "the view from below". David's blog appears to be one of the growing number of blogs promoting libertarianism from a more left-oriented point of view. A fine example of this is his recent post about Mexican maquilas that are built on stolen land, faux trade (as opposed to genuine free trade), political corruption, and state terrorism.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you kindly, freeman. The only correction I would make is that the term for the proper libertarian policy on sex work is *decriminalisation*. Legalisation, in the context of this discourse, specifically means a 'moderate' regulatory regime where sex work is not criminalised but is placed under the control and supervision of the state. In other words- a mixed economy combining elements of freedom and controls- which in practice means an ugly sexual corporatism or crony capitalism.

Legalisation, such as exists today in some counties in Nevada, tends to harshly continue persecution of independent sex workers while tilting the market in favour of connected businesses which can get a license, reproducing the pimping, organised-crime set-up that usually manifests under a pragmatic prohibition regime. The result is to tip power in the direction of owners, usually men- and to do terrible things for the independence, dignity, and living conditions of prositutues and other sex industry professionals. This is an immense problem in the sex industry- and absolute liberty is the only shield powerful enough to defend against a patriarchal society which constantly tries to take sexual power out of the hands of independent women. This is the same old story- from exploitive online review boards to San Francisco's strip clubs to the Nevada brothels. Women (and men) should control their own bodies, without exception- and this no less when the women in question are professionals.

Libertarians should favour the complete separation of sex work and state. This is what the Sex Workers Outreach Project and most sex workers rights organisations support, and it is especially the view which should be supported by the emerging socially conscious left-libertarianism. I'm well aware your spirit is entirely in the right place; I merely correct because your words, as these things are used, may be taken to support a policy unworthy of your ideals.

Aster Francesca

10:23 AM  

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