Monk and 'Trane fans rejoice

Unreleased Monk and Coltrane Tapes Found
Leave it to the government to lose these tapes for so long! Let's hope this stuff gets released soon.
"The government is good at one thing. It knows how to break your legs, and then hand you a crutch and say, "See if it weren't for the government, you wouldn't be able to walk".I decided to break that idea down a bit and apply it to some of the contemporary factions that populate the political landscape. The first thing I did was to replace "government" with Uncle Sam since government is not a person, and I have no idea what a government looks like. Since I think of someone wielding a baseball bat or similar blunt object when the idea of someone's leg being broken comes to mind, then it's fitting to personify government, and here in the USSA the logical choice for that would be good ol' Uncle Sam. So, here's what I came up with:
"Get your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty apes!"
The history of American parties and politics seems rather to be of ever-shifting alliances of four ideas: progressivism, populism, individualism, and mercantilism (Wall Street interests). Parties that win the allegiance of two or three of these groups tend to win elections.
you know that whiny fag character edward robinson played in the ten commandments? that's what this boozer sounds like. NAFTA and WTO are not laissez-faire. it's the same straw man routine that was pulled in the california energy "deregulation" debacle.
but put that aside a moment and simply look at his assumptions, which basically fall into the same category of fallacy as most economic state-licking BS: that which is seen, and that which is not seen.
A society with closer social bonds and a better communication system (language) would have an edge on societies that lacked these. (*) I suggest that mutual aid was further advanced thru bonding and language, and thus was partially a result of the ingestion of these plants. Mutual aid, in turn, furthers bonding and also cultural and technological development.Kevin Carson has recently pointed out that Gambone has published a pamplet titled "The Primal Wound" which also deals with the degrading role authoritarianism plays in the human condition. You can read it online here, or you can order a hard copy from Red Lion Press. I'm ordering a hard copy myself since I also wish to check out some of the other Red Lion pamplets.
A thought that I would like to return to at another time has to do with the hostility of authoritarian systems toward psychedelic plants. Authoritarianism destroys mutual aid and the social, replacing these with bullying, exploiting hierarchies of power. In essence the authoritarian system is a form of de-evolution, stripping us of what made us human to begin with. Thus it is natural the authoritarian (the sub-human) would wish to prevent the use of plants which stimulate the imagination and the social.
"And the free market has to be protected through government regulation."Well, at least he recognizes that a) corporations don't want free markets and b) big government and big business are in collusion to help big business avoid things like free competition and internalized costs.
"She looked at the $2 bills and told me, 'I don't have to take these if I don't want to.'
This could start a new trend of calling and labelling all protectionists and socialists as "Neanderthals". That should puzzle their "progressive minds". If there were a clearly identifiable target even a Google-bomb would be possible. Pity.
Tune in to this, Carlos: in the mid 1960's Fidel and your charming t-shirt icon set up concentration camps in Cuba for, among many others, "anti-social elements" and "delinquents." Besides Bohemian (Haight-Ashbury, Greenwich Village types) and homosexuals, these camps were crammed with "roqueros," who qualified in Che and Fidel's eyes as useless "delinquents."That's right: listening to the type of music that Carlos has made a living creating could have been a one-way ticket to hell. The evil ways of people like Che resulted in many souls being sacrificed in pursuit of the state socialist ideal.
A "roquero" was a hapless youth who tried to listen to Yankee-Imperialist rock music in Cuba.
At the conclusion of the ANTHRAX Global Press Conference and Luncheon, ANTHRAX will make an important statement regarding the U.S. Government and the Anthrax Vaccine.
ANTHRAX has teamed up with Slave to the Metal™ Foundation ( to bring public awareness to the dangers of the Anthrax Vaccine. The newly legislated “BioShield Act” (July, 2004) allows the Department of Health and Human Services to inject American Citizens with Anthrax Vaccines and other untested and unapproved substances without informed consent, using our military as first line guinea pigs. Experts will be at the conference to discuss this with attendees.